Patient Stories


Fatima’s Smile Journey


Fatima suffered from overcrowding, and was tired of looking back on photos and cringing when she saw her smile. Over the course of her orthodontic treatment at Marda Loop Braces, Fatima was thrilled to have received the smile of her dreams! Fatima is an accomplished and trending youth podcaster and burgeoning business major with great ambition!  

Here’s what I discovered…

  • Braces are a conversation starter: Whether it’s sympathizing over a mutual experience when talking to someone who’s had braces, or someone incredulously asking me “When did you get braces?”, braces are a great talking point.
  • Having braces meant being mindful while I ate: I was always covering my mouth with my hand every time I ate; I didn’t want anyone to see me with food on my braces, but that’s just me!
  • Trust the process: My case was complicated, and there were a couple of options for my treatment. Get teeth removed to help the crookedness, or keep the teeth but make them more slender. Dr. Chen explained both options to my family, and recommended teeth removal as the better choice for my situation. He explained everything clearly, going in-depth on the pros and cons of each option. Due to that discussion, I trusted Dr. Chen’s judgment. Now, I couldn’t be happier that I made the choice that I did! My smile is fabulous!
  • Getting braces means finding a new community: Dr. Chen and his team have been incredibly supportive both of my journey and my extra-curriculars. There was so much excitement for every new milestone I hit, whether it was for my smile journey or for my podcast.

Marda Loop Braces' patient Fatima working on her podcast

Fatima’s Hot Tips:

  • Wear your elastics! Yes, they’re mildly annoying, but they really help with advancing your treatment quickly! I’m lucky I have eldest daughter responsibility in my blood, so wearing them consistently was a bit easier. Elastics are something you’re taking accountability for, which can be super empowering. You have a direct hand in making the smile of your dreams!
  • Remember why you started: You’re working towards a healthy bite and a jaw-dropping, confidence-boosting smile. Keeping the end in mind makes it easier to keep going.
  • Be willing to collaborate: Trust is key when undergoing orthodontic treatment. Trust that Dr. Chen and the dental assistants will take care of you. Ask questions, make jokes, and listen to what they tell you. It makes your journey go by that much faster, and it’s much more enjoyable for everyone.

Take the Next Step

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Chen.